A new game mode? A map change? Is that really Malphite? League of Legends has just begun its 2014 season, and the great people at Riot has teased us again with some mysteries to be solved and speculated ib with our detective skills.
Oh, and keep an eye out for an invasion from the Outside.
The first thing that came to mind was the ever-elusive Magma Chamber map - a game mode veterans have been looking forward to. There are words going around that it might have been left for dead, but you can never be too sure. Still there are some deductions (as per usual coming from the lively community LoL has).
If you have followed the extensive lore of Runeterra, there are champions whom, supposedly have affiliations with or originated from the 'Void', namely:
Kassadin (the Void Walker)
Malzahar (the Prophet of the Void)
Cho'Gath (the Terror of the Void)
Kha'Zix (the Voidreaver)
Kog'Maw (the Mouth of the Abyss)
Outside can be an inferential word to Void, the lore clearly states this. Perhaps a new game mode that goes hand-in-hand with the lore? (Like the power conflict at the tundra city Freljord on the northern part of Valoran). What's likely though, are more skins and revamped visuals (Kassadin, anyone?), cosmetic upgrades for Baron or perhaps a new Void hero (Daddy).
You can have a look yourself at what's coming at the official site. And yes, they misspelled 'bundary'. Intentional? Perhaps another hint!